Meet Blue in our next Dogs of Downtown feature! Blue is the Marquette University Police Department’s Community Support Dog. Blue is a male German Shorthaired Pointer, who will turn two years old in February. His name was chosen by the members of the police department. As many know, the color blue is typically associated with police, as well as Marquette’s colors of blue and gold. Blue was sworn-in as an actual member of the police department, and even has a real badge.
Favorite toy: Blue can’t pick a favorite; he loves them all! He enjoys simply carrying around all his toys in his mouth.
Favorite treat: By far, his favorite is chicken wrapped apple treats.
Favorite thing about Milwaukee: It has to be the people. Blue loves walking around and meeting people and taking photos with them.
Favorite downtown area location: Well, obviously it has to be the Marquette campus. The students, faculty, and staff love seeing Blue and having him on campus, just about as much as he loves being a part of the Marquette family.
Why is Blue excited for downtown’s first dog park? Blue loves to run around off-leash. He would do it for hours and he cannot wait to do it a few blocks from campus at Downtown’s first off-leash dog park!
Blue has an incredible ability to make people happy, which he does several times a day, every day. Blue is a bit of a local celebrity. Keep up with his adventures on Marquette’s Campus and soon at the downtown dog park on Instagram and Facebook at @MUPDBlue!