Meet Belle, an incredibly sweet, playful, attention-loving, 8-pound chocolate-colored Toy Pomeranian. She was born on 2-22-22! Belle is originally from Indiana and is named after the Disney Princess from Beauty and the Beast.
What is Belle’s favorite toy?
Belle loves all of her squeaky toys, but her favorite has to be Green Turtle. Amazingly, Green Turtle still has all of his flippers and stuffing intact!
What is Belle’s favorite treat?
A true Wisconsin girl, Belle loves dairy products, but most of all, cheese! She has an uncanny sense of knowing when cheese is being opened, and will even wake up from a nap and run to the refrigerator to get a taste!
What does Belle’s like most about Milwaukee?
Belle loves sunshine and patio weather because she can curl up on her mom’s lap at coffee shops, restaurants and bars… but she also loves the snow! Belle thinks Milwaukee is the perfect combination of sunshine and snow.
What is Belle’s favorite Downtown place to hang out?
Belle frequents the Lakefront Colectivo in the summertime, and also loves to dip her little paws into the waves on the shores of Lake Michigan.
Why is Belle excited for Downtown’s first off-leash dog park?
Belle loves to sniff, play and frolic with her canine friends, but she prefers to be off leash, so she feels safe to play on her own terms. Belle can’t wait to play with friends in Downtown’s first off-leash dog park!
Keep up with Belle’s adventures around Milwaukee and soon at the Downtown dog park on Instagram at @bellebabypom!